Introducing MyRewards - Reap the Rewards with Every Purchase!

Click here if you're ready to redeem your MyRewards

Every time you make a purchase with The Sterling Shop, you'll receive points based on your total purchase amount. It's a great way to save on your next purchase whether it's for you or someone special. Once you've placed an order and it has shipped, your MyRewards Points will be redeemable in approximately 7 days. You have one year from activation date to use your MyRewards before they expire.

Note: In order to earn MyRewards you must create or use your existing account with The Sterling Shop when you checkout (as opposed to checking out as a guest). Existing accountholders can view their MyRewards anytime at (login required).

How Points are Earned:

For every dollar you spend at The Sterling Shop you will earn 5 points. When you reach 500 points you will be able to begin redeeming your MyRewards.


You Spend Points Earned Redemption Value
$100 500 $5
$500 2,500 $25
$1,000 5,000 $50